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On July 6, 2011, the Trust for Public Land announced the historic agreement between the the national land conservation organization and the Greater New York Councils Boy Scouts of America to preserve the William H. Pouch Scout Camp in three phases. If completed, 94 acress of the Scout Camp would be preserved forever through a "Conservation Easement" while retaining the use as a scout camp and open space. For the complete agreement, click here.

UPDATE - December 2013: Governor Cuomo Announces Approval of Conservation Plan for William H. Pouch Scout Camp

Conservation Easement


According to the Department of Environmental Conservation:


Conservation easements are permanent legal agreements entered into by a landowner and state or local government, or a non-profit land trust. Easement documents identify the open space values being protected, and clearly describe the restrictions being placed on a property. First, an appraiser determines the value of the property rights given up by a landowner, and then the easement is purchased, or it can be donated, resulting in a variety of tax benefits. When the state accepts and holds a conservation easement it takes on the responsibility to monitor and enforce the terms of the easement in perpetuity (forever); the easement is recorded with the deed and is binding on future landowners.

The Preservation Plan


What is the plan to preserve Pouch Camp and how much is needed?


  • In 2011, the Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of America (GNYC/BSA), the landowner of the William H. Pouch Scout Camp, entered into an agreement with the Trust for Public Land (TPL) to facilitate the preservation of the Camp.


The agreement intends to preserve the land in three phases:

Phase I will be a conservation easement of approximately 44 acres over the core of the camp. The price of this easement is set at $5,000,000;


Phase II will be a conservation easement of approximately 25 acres. The price of the easement is set at $5,000,000;


Phase III will be a conservation easement of approximately 25 acres adjacent to the areas in Phase I and II. The price of this easement is set at $5,000,000.


  • The area, commonly known as the Camp-o- Ree field, of approximately 19.4 acres, is not included at this time.

  • Phase I must be funded by July, 2012, Phase II must be funded by July, 2013 and Phase III must be funded by July 2014.


Money to fund this proposal can come from a variety of sources including private and public donations. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Download the Committee to Save Pouch Camp brochure which includes details on the Preservation Plan. 

Preservation Plan Update


In November, 2012, Phase 1 of the Preservation Plan was completed. This $5 million conservation easement was finalized with the support of Borough President Molinaro, Councilmembers Oddo and Ignizio and the Port Authority of NY and NJ.  For information on what this means for Pouch Camp, the Scouting Community and the public, visit the DEC website.


More work needs to be done to complete Phases 2 and 3.

Pouch Camp and the Greenbelt


What is the William H. Pouch Scout Camp?


- Privately owned open space, including woods, wetlands and Lake Ohrbach.

-   Located in Staten Island, this is New York City's only Scout Camp and sits in the ‘heart’ of the Greenbelt.

-    Pouch Camp is open year round for scouting activities.

-  Tens of thousands of Scouts and visitors utilize the camp each year.

-    Pouch offers a number of camping options for scouts and has full service cabins, leantos, tent sites, a Chapel and a low- impact Camp-O-Ree field with an adjacent Amphitheater.


  • In 2009, the Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of America, announced that the privately owned Pouch Camp could be sold due to financial conditions at the organization 

Pouch Preservation Plan

UPDATE: December 5, 2013: Governor Andrew Cuomo announces Approval of Conservation Plan for William H. Pouch Scout Camp  


This site was started to create a place where we, concerned Scouts and residents of Staten Island, New York City and beyond, could come to get informed and get involved in saving the William H. Pouch Scout Camp.


Through organization and awareness, we can save Pouch Camp - we have to. Pouch Camp has touched the lives of countless young people throughout the years. Maybe you have hiked in Pouch, camped in a cabin or fished in Lake Ohrbach. Maybe you just drove by Pouch Camp on Manor Road and remember a Staten Island that was greener and never thought this property could be sold to developers.


Since the Committee to Save Pouch Camp organized in late 2009 to early 2010, the Committee has held numerous rallies, community events, fundraisers and lawn sign drives.  With the announcement of a deal to save Pouch Camp by the GNYC-BSA and the Trust for Public Land, we must focus now, more than ever, to see this three phase preservation plan become a reality.


We are greatful that in 2012 Phase 1 of the plan was completed but more work needs to be done. Join us in continuing to fight to preserve the camp.


Please suggest content that should appear on this site and get (and stay) involved. Together, we can save Pouch Camp!



2011: We are happy to announce that an agreement has been reached to save Pouch Camp through a three phase preservation plan.




Read what the Trust for Public Land says about Pouch Camp


Boy Scout Council Enters into agreement for Pouch Camp Preservation - July, 2011


2012: Phase 1 of the Pouch Camp Preservation Plan completed.


Read what the Staten Island Advance had to say about this historic milestone and read more below

The sign above was placed by the Department of Environmental Conservation on Manor Road at the entrance to the William H. Pouch Camp. For more information on the completition of Phase 1, click here.

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